Author Guidelines

GEP has different requirements for initial submissions and for accepted manuscripts: Please carefully read the requirements for both steps below:

a) Initial submissions

Manuscripts that are submitted for the first time to GEP need to be written in English, have a clear structure, and use a consistent citation format (e.g., APA7). Manuscripts must comply with GEP’s open science and diversity requirements. For more information about document structure, content, and our open science and diversity requirements, please consult the GEP Template. (For Registered Reports, see Guidelines here).

Before submitting anything in the online submission system, the corresponding author needs to complete the Manuscript Submission Form (the full content of the form can be accessed here).

For first submissions, authors are requested to provide:

  1. A manuscript in one of the following file formats: doc/docx (recommended), rtf, pdf, odt, or txt. Please make sure not to exceed the maximum word limits.
  2. Please make sure that all personal information (including in the file properties) has been removed from the manuscript.
  3. Tables and figures should be directly embedded into the text at the appropriate position(s).
  4. Any further digital content of relevance for the review process but not embedded in your manuscript (like charts, images, appendices). Submit these additional items as supplementary files.
  5. Authors of empirical work (i.e., presenting data) must make the data, materials, and code that were used in the research available at article submission. These sources need to be posted to a trusted digital repository. Please share the links via the Manuscript Submission Form. If these files cannot be shared for legal or ethical reasons, authors must inform the editors via the Manuscript Submission Form.

b) Accepted manuscript preparation

When your manuscript has been (conditionally) accepted for publication, please revise it carefully, ensuring that it follows the guidelines provided in our Template and that all submitted materials comply with the PsychOpen Author Guidelines. Further, we ask that you use APA 7 formatting (for more information, see here).

The re-submission of conditionally accepted manuscripts must include the following:

  1. The final version of your manuscript, including all revisions, in Microsoft Word format (if you use another program, e.g. OpenOffice, please save your manuscript as a .doc or .docx file in Microsoft Word format). To avoid formatting errors we recommend using our GEP Template.
  2. Every figure as a separate, high-resolution, print-ready image file (for a page-wide figure use width = 12 cm with 300-600 ppi/1417-2834 px).
  3. Media files, data files, or any other digital content that you want to make accessible along with your article (Electronic Supplementary Materials).

Note that all submissions are subject to plagiarism screening. Please also see PsychOpen's Guidelines on Publication Ethics.